OUR VISION: from Kharkiv to the rest of Eastern Ukraine

Our weekly ministries circle around the goal of reaching others with the Gospel and then helping them grow in a knowledge and love of our Triune God. 

Our Vision is to do this in Kharkiv and beyond. In Kharkiv, we already have Christians who are successfully working to this end for 20 years. They are ready to continue this work all over Eastern Ukraine. These are National Ukrainian Christians who desire for the Gospel to spread through their home city and beyond.

MORE information about our weekly and other ministries here: https://sites.google.com/view/gospel-to-eastern-ukraine/about-us?authuser=1

Our international board includes: Volodymir Starodub, Sergei Sudakov, Jonathan Kuciemba and Seth Ring. Our board’s vision is to have the model in Kharkiv, Ukraine spread over Eastern Ukraine by raising up national leaders to plant and serve churches. In the short term, this will be primarily in Oleksandriia, Zaporizhia and additional churches in Kharkiv, where the work has already begun. Once we establish those churches as self sustaining bodies, our goal will be to continue to spread with Kharkiv being the raising up and training center for these leaders.

Few testimonies:

“The board game ministry introduced me to the church. It was there that I first met Christians and it was through that I began to know God.” – Volodymir 

“At the English Speaking club I first heard the Gospel. That was the place where I first was befriended by a believer who offered to study the Bible with me. That’s how I became a Christian.” – Seraphima

“The more I came to and studied the Bible at the Home Groups, the better I came to know my sinfulness and my need of a Savior.” – Marine

“Before the Kayaking trip, I was an atheist. After I spent 5 days with Christians, I decided to look at the world from a different perspective. This was the beginning of the changes on my path to repentance.” – Alyona

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union our country has more freedom and opportunity for the Gospel to spread. In the wake of that collapse there are now, a lot of unbelievers, few labourers and less resources for the opportunities. While the Kharkiv church is self sustaining through their work, for them to be able to achieve the vision of spreading the Gospel to Eastern Ukraine, help is needed. 

We invite you to join our support team!